Dear yogi....
Please practice responsibly always heeding the needs of your body, heart, mind and soul.
I am only an expert in one body - mine. So primarily always listen to your own guidance. lovingly and patiently working with the body - never against it. No forcing -Ever.
I would suggest you begin with Yin practices. Then build to Yin /Yang. Once you've built up your yoga repertoire you might want to add some Yang practices.
* Please note I'm using the terms Yin and Yang here to determine a level of activity. Yin being slower and toward surrender / Yang stronger and more dynamic.
Click the name of your chosen animal to view a practice on YouTube.
Bat - A hatha Practice for moon time (Yin Yang)
Bear - West facing Yin for introspection (Yin)
Bee - Connect to community (Yin Yang)
Bee - Tap the inner nectar (yin yang)
Buffalo - Hands free flow and yoga nidra (Yin Yang)
Buffalo Tatanka - Honour the truth of what is felt (Yin Yang)
Bull - Belly breathing for fertility and manifestation (Yin)
- Creative Hatha to transform (Yin Yang)
Centaur - Healing mantra/asana/meditation (Yin)
- Emotional Balancing and deep nurture (Yin)
- Knowing through yoga (Yin Yang)
- Stillness Archetype Asana (Yin Yang)
Crystal Fairy- Arising Subsiding (Yin Yang)
- Throat Chakra Hatha (Yin Yang)
Dove - Sacred practice Vinyasa Flow (Yang)
Dragon - Resource your understanding of power (Yin)
Dragonfly - Rainbow Healing Hatha (Yin Yang)
Dragonfly Yin
- Open up to transformation (Yin)
Dryad - Receptivity Building inhalation (Yin Yang)
Eagle - Transcending stretching (Yang)
Echidna - Free your Heart (Yin Yang)
- Bhakti Loving you Back (Yin Yang)
Falcon - Imagining Egypt (Yang)
Falcon - Head space Kundalini (Yin Yang)
Fox - Fiery Twists and Turns (Yin Yang)
Frilled Lizard - Self worth and care (Yin)
Frog - Fun Flow and Frolics (Yang)
Gargoyle - Statuesque and Sustainable Strength (Yang)
Gnome - Establishing deeper Patterns (Yang)
Griffin - Empowered Back bending (Yang)
Hare - Fear Release kundalini Kriya (Yin Yang)
Hawk - Exploring Forgiveness as Mastery (Yin)
Horse - Freedom from Burden (Yin)
- Defending inner territory (Yin Yang)
Leopard - Decisive action through asana (Yin Yang)
Leopard - Release your instinct (yin yang)
Lion - Shouldering Responsibility (Yin)
Owl -
The Body Wisdom working wisely (Yin Yang)
Panther - Luxurious Luna power (Yin)
Peacock - Embrace your cosmic self (Yin Yang)
Pegasus - Heart of integrity (Yin Yang)
Phoenix - Rise and Fall (Yin Yang)
Phoenix - Spirits in a material world (yang)
Raven - Death for rebirth. Into the void (Yin Yang)
Salamander - Identity and Ego a hot house. (Yin)
- Flowing through determinedly (Yang)
Scarab - Creating Energy through the front spine (Yang)
Seahorse - Balancing opposites (Yin Yang)
Selendyne -Prana Breath Life (Yin)
selendyne - Ether Element (Yang)
Snake - Kundalini for transforming negativity (Yin Yang)
Sphinx - Look ahead to new horizons (Yin Yang)
Spider - Webs we weave creator practice (Yin)
Stag - Practice as ritual (Yang)
Swan - Reflective dancing (Yin Yang)
- Singing Fields (Yin)
Thunderbird - Celebrate You Baby! (Yang)
- Inner circuitry (yang)
Tiger - Through the polarity for luminosity (Yang)
Tiger - Passion and power (Yang)
Turtle - Return to Gaia a slow grounding (Yin Yang)
Undine - Grateful for our water, a goddess Flow (Yang)
Unicorn - parenting your inner child (Yin)
Whale - Singing our song lines (Yin)
Wolf - Guru God self not different (Yin Yang)
- With gratitude to Alexis Cartwright's Animal Magic Oracle Cards for guidance and inspiration.