Hi there, I’m Julie. Founder and teacher at Nada. This is my healing story in short,, so far..
Since I was little I'd always felt different, its hard to place why. But I do remember I had an intensity of feeling and knowing I couldn't understand. I do remember that my presence and intensity seemed to cause chaos around me oftentimes. So I guess I began to adapt myself to my circumstances. To do this I had to turn the volume down inside myself. I had to play the game of fitting in and becoming externally orientated. Even though it wasn't a conscious decision, once I started to do this, I couldn't stop. I think eventually it was no wonder I felt invisible, unheard and lost in my world.
Because of this unnatural adjustment, that I created through survival. I often felt it was as tough to live in this world - as it was beautiful.
The difficulties I’d felt within myself from a very young age, and feelings of intense loneliness, eventually manifested physically as I turned 30 in the form of chronic back pain and disc problems.
The pain in my body, led me to a regular practice of yoga, which has since become a way of life. This connected me back to myself physically. Crucially it gave me a direct experience of the body's incredible capacity to heal.
This has been a foundational motivation for me to continue to work to heal myself in every sense.
Because ‘ I know it is possible’.
In my mid 30’s a traumatic experience triggered a sudden awakening process within me. The deeper understandings seemed to overflow out of me as I felt my strength of spirit come through to keep me present and functioning. It was a very surreal existence..
It was around this time I began to receive regular Reiki healing, and eventually I was attuned to all 3 levels of Reiki. I then began to give myself daily treatments This showed me first hand the benefits of Reiki, to comfort a being in crisis.
As the trauma passed I was able to wonder at the profound shifts of consciousness that had occurred.. I was able to really appreciate the small joys, and recognise what was important to me in my life. I think this was a shift that others could feel, because around that time friends and mums at school started to ask me about yoga. In time I found myself unofficially sharing yoga here and there - until eventually I bit the bullet and officially trained with Sivananda yoga centre London to become a certified teacher. Over the next few years ‘little loft yoga’ came into its own and I found myself at the helm of a wonderful community of like minded,big hearted, souls - We would practice several times a week and take excursions out and about. This really was such a happy time, where I just absorbed the teachings of yoga and meditation with an unquenchable thirst.
However, I was blissfully unaware that so much yoga practice was clearing out a lot of the old systems I’d put in place many years ago, to numb down the inner abilities that had felt so unmanageable when I was young. My natural heightened awareness was returning. As time passed it became impossible for me to practice in classes, as this awareness meant, amongst other things, that I would 'feel' every energetic distortion in the room. This was a very confusing time, which eventually led to less and less classes until little loft couldn't function in the same way as it once did.
I can see why as a child I had no option but to block my own 'intense feelings'
But as an adult at this time I made a resolve to understand them.
Destiny took me to meet David Sye - His teachings were answers to so many unspoken questions in my soul.
He helped me to 'land' on this planet. I could finally begin a long process of anchoring myself here. Davids energy recalled my intense love for Gaia in every sense.
Through David, I was guided to Halo Avalon in Glastonbury. Not long after meeting Halo's founder, Nareena Gaia,
I started to train with her. This took me into a fast track, systematic education, of ‘feeling’.
I have since learned to respect, and make room for the amazing, essential functions of the emotional 'feeling' body. The sensitivity that once felt so overwhelming, has taken me deeper into my own healing than I could've ever imagined previously.
Through Rena's teachings I discovered Transference Healing. Transference Healing is the modality through which Rena has worked extensively, and is founded channelled and anchored by her teacher Alexis Cartwright.
Learning to run, and running the energy of Transference has been profound and life changing.
Regular yoga practice, combined with Rena's teachings at Halo Avalon, along with consistently running the energy of Transference Healing has initiated a rapid but natural journey of ascension.
This process is helping me to identify the unhelpful tendencies of mental conditioning, Soften through, and surrender to the emotional body , strengthen align and adjust through the physical, and open up to gradually embodying my beautiful, powerful, feminine/masculine, multidimensional, spiritual self.
My journey of self mastery and healing is ongoing. Yet I believe I am living proof that natural healing and spiritual ascension are accessible for anyone who has the tenacity to work on the self.
My work and this space at Nada, translate through Grace and gratitude to universal experience and divine guidance.. And also the commitment I have made to myself, my own healing and evolution, for the highest possible good.. In other words - I have lived my whole life, to serve others on their journey. As so many do.
I love this quote by Ram Das
'I can do nothing for you but work on myself you can do nothing for me but work on yourself’
It is my heartfelt belief that self ownership, maturation and responsibility can lead us to heal ourselves, help one another, exist in harmony with our world, and evolve our species.
I really look forward to working with you,