Take the weight off, with a selection of yogic practices for beautiful beginners.
You will need a sturdy upright chair and reasonably loose comfy clothes.
Please practice responsibly always heeding the needs of your body, heart, mind and soul.
Listen to your own inner guidance and good sense.
lovingly and patiently working with your body - never against it. No forcing -Ever.
Time to sit back and really relax....
Practice 1 BREATH CARRIES PRANA - An introduction to pranayama and breath based movement.
Practice 2 AHIMSA DO NO HARM - An introduction to the yogic precept of Ahimsa.
Practice 3 SATYA THE TRUTH OF THE SELF - An introduction to the importance of Satya or truth.
Practice 4 ASTEYA NON STEALING - A introduction to giving Credit, through seated yoga practice.
Practice 5 BRAHMACHARYA SENSE CONTROL - Sensing God in Everything