Temper your Dragon
To temper - to build strength through heating and cooling
Calling Your Divine Potential
The time has come to Raise your Dragons.
Do you feel called to understand, own and utilise your personal power more efficiently, but can't quite work out how to do it?
Struggle to hold your energy, often feeling depleted through the demands of others? Sometimes have painful feelings of self-doubt and low self-worth?
Get stuck in situations that create conflict and issues around power? Do you feel impacted by power struggles?
Would you love to be..
Energetically held within a divine container for ‘your’ empowerment, in a two month long intensive training?
Be tutored through the light of the ancient feminine mysteries and through my direct experience of dis-empowerment for empowerment?
Be supported by high frequency energy to make the shifts you always wanted to make?
Make new realisations around the dynamics of power, in your day to day life?
Can you imagine..
A strong and sure sense of self in any situation?
Being energetically connected to the sacred and potent vibration of Gaia. So you always feel unconditionally understood held and loved?
Being charged with energy going forward?
Feeling levels of strength and safety through the presence and pure force of your personal Dragon guardian?
Knowing ‘you’ have burnt away some of the old patterns that have kept you stuck.
And now you have the power to make the changes you desire?
Having a new set of tools to lift you out of struggle and into your highest light?
Are you saying Yes and feeling your wings spreading already?
Is your dragon is ready to rumble?
Course Content
(Delivered fortnightly to your inbox)
3 x audio training's : approximately 25-45 mins each
1 x Channelled meditation to accompany each chapter
*High frequency Transference healing to support you energetically through each chapter
Chapter One / Week one & two - Catching the Dragon
Part one : Separation
Dynamics of stress and separation. What happens to our sense of self when we feel we don't belong.
And how can we recognise disconnection, when separateness has been made to feel normal.
Part two : Divine Mother
Unconditional love and tending to the little things. The healing vibration of our Mother Earth.
Rhythm Invocation
The beat of Gaia's Heart.
The importance of natural rhythms.
How to call on Mother Earth, and surrender to her wisdom..
+*Absentee Group High Frequency Transference Healing .
+*Gaia's Heart Meditation
Chapter Two / week three & four - Working With the Fire
Part one : Purify
The fire of the Ego. Purifying through the 'lower self' and the challenges this brings.
Part two : Introspection
Standing in the fire of 'seeing' the self. Recognising the triggers. Learning to hold.
Part three : Orientation
Reaching for a compass and a road map, to guide us when we lose our way..
+*Earth Body Grid Alignment & *Dragon Power procedure & *Severing Karmic Pain Procedure
+*Introspection Meditation
Chapter Three / week five & six - Embrace the Dragon
Part one : Absorption
How to run your energy - balancing input and output.
How to just 'be' to access your creativity.
Part two : Ancient Elemental
Connecting to the Subtle Realms. Expanding your perceptions.
Part three : Grid Master
Dragon power The Global Grid Matrix. & Master Merlin.
+*Earth Body Grid Alignment & *Dragon Power Procedure & *Severing Karmic Pain Procedure
+*Dragon Power Initiation Meditation
Chapter Four / week seven & eight - Enchanting the Dragon
Part one : Divine love
Working with Divination. Building time love and trust.
Part two : Clearing
Clear the cave - Create a space.
Part three : Light Work
Inspired ideas to create an enchanting spiritual practice.
Tempering the sacred and the mundane.
Lifting into Gratitude and abundance.
+*Divine Light Meditation
+*Circle of Fire Purification Ritual and completion Ceremony.
Your Pathway to Divine Empowerment
* Tempering Your Dragon Online Intensive Training' includes:
Two months of intensive training - held within an energetic container of high frequency healing..
Three MP3 audio teachings a fortnight
High Frequency Transference Healing Group Absentee healing procedures, run to support you throughout the training.
Custom Channelled meditations to assist you to absorb and integrate your unique insight and understanding. .
Questions and insights explored, as we work through, via extra audio recordings &/or email.
(Second round resit £44. / Third round Resit £22)
Are you saying YES and feeling your wings spreading already?
Reserve your place, and book today for the next round of this Sacred training.
Own your divine power
" Your course has given me insight to my failings and strengths.
To understand these within oneself gives us greater understanding of those close to us, and the wider community as a whole. We are imperfect beings in a perfect universe. Nature teaches us that life transforms endlessly ... nothing is wasted. We also transform with the choices we make. Temper the Dragon gives one pause for thought to reflect on our journey forward , to be worthy of this lovely planet we inhabit, and give 'light to the greater universe. Thank you."
(Temper your Dragon 2022)
"I can honestly say I feel a profound transformation. I felt transported through the recordings into a brand new world of new perspectives. And I don't know how I am different now but I know I am! And the differences I feel ARE EMPOWERING! The course was very engaging. I was able to ask questions and run through things with Julie when I felt uncertain about anything.
And I loved doing the meditations. Looking forward to round 2 already!"
(Temper your Dragon 2020)
"Life inspiring! This training lit a fire in my belly and got everything moving again."
(Temper your Dragon 2020)
First Round £88
First Resit £44